My honey posing in front of the Metro Station sign in
Pentagon City. This metro station was right under the hotel we stayed at
-- The Ritz-Carlson. Very nice accomodations there! As always, the
Washington DC metro system ran well, on time, and was very affordable. An
all day pass was $5 after 9:30 in the morning. |
We spent one afternoon in Georgetown. We walked around (kind
of cloudy weather) and enjoyed the interesting shops. Here, Elena is
figuring out our next move... |
...through some of the residential areas of Georgetown.
Along our walk we found this pretty flowering shrub. |
Here's a close up of the flowers. They look just like little
hearts, don't they? |
Here's one of the beautiful homes of Georgetown. Many of the
sidewalks are brick. Fronting for these picturesque homes they make quite
an attractive setting for the flowering trees and other landscaping. |
We took one of the "Washington DC at Night" tours.
Here Elena poses in front of the congressional building. |
This is the "Zero Milestone", just in front of the
White House. When you see the mileage to anyplace noted as "so many
miles from Washington DC", it's measured from the centerpoint of this
marker. Elena is poking at the little nib on top that marks the exact
center. Guess she's about 3000 miles from Upland, California at this
point. |
Seaweed Salad at Sushi Taro. Need I say more? |
Here's the Bureau of Engraving and Printing where they make
our nation's money supply. We took a tour here through the facility. Very
security conscious, they make you sign up the morning in advance of your
tour and present your driver's license (or other government issued photo
identification) before they let you in. |
I dropped my wallet on the floor during the tour and this
fell out... Seriously, this is one million dollars in $10 bills. Nice
little stack, eh? |
At the end of the tour they show you a billion dollar
showcase. Take a look at the next shot... |
...to see some of the rarely used (now obsolete) $100,000
bills. These were once used to facilitate large transfers between
different branches of the federal reserve system. |
We had nice weather the day we visited the Smithsonian
Museum. |
At the Smithsonian Elena stopped to participate in an
exhibit on Chinese writing and brush strokes. Powerful look of
concentration, huh? |
I didn't use the flash when we visited the Museum of Natural
History, because it would have washed out the gorgeous mineral specimens
we were looking at. |
Elena wanted to take home the Hope diamond. But I said we'd
pick it up next time. |