The Wedding and Honeymoon
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Elena's and Greg's Wedding and Honeymoon to Europe...

I took some 350 digital photos while we were on our honeymoon. Plus Elena took a couple rolls of conventional film. That's way too many to post on this site, but I've put together three groups of photos I felt had some special comments or remarks I could make about them and put them under the following links...


Elena's and Greg's Wedding (6/2001) — our moment of bliss...

Our first three days were spent in London. This group of twenty-two photos shows Monday (we arrived in London on Tuesday noon) through Friday morning.
MVC-211S.JPG (47014 bytes) Our second four days (Friday through Monday) were spent traveling to and enjoying Brussels. These twenty-five photos highlight the shopping and dining of Brussels.
MVC-342S.JPG (48257 bytes) Our third group covers four days (Monday through Thursday) back in London again. These fifteen photos show us closing out our European honeymoon.

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