Poppy Fields
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Poppy Fields


On March 23, 2003, Elena and I took Andrey out to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve to see the spectacular display of blooms they have there every spring. Along the way we passed by the Vasquez Rocks out by Aqua Dulce (Sweet Water) just at the east end of the Santa Clarita valley.

Here, Elena is backed by the most famous of the Vasquez rocks. You might recognize the rock just the the left of her as one you've seen on various sci-fi shows over the years. I remember a Star Trek episode, as well as many others, with good and bad guys chasing each other around these impressive structures.

Andrey and I strike dramatic poses.
We finally made it out to the poppy fields. Many of the huge patches of blooms are right next to the road. People pull right over and traipse through the flowers. The view is very impressive. I've never seen so many flowers in one place at one time. If you've never been there before do yourself a favor and plan ahead for next spring.
Here's a few of these beauties close up.

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