San Diego (8/2000)
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San Diego — 8/2001

Tyler lounging in front of The Chart House, a real nice restaurant we went to. Tyler had prime rib, something he's developed an unfortunate taste for. Luckily, the company was picking up the tab.
Tyler caught me with the city shoreline in the background. We were staying on Coronado Island, quite a nice place with plenty of expensive hotels and resorts.
q Tyler and I went across the bay to San Diego for an afternoon adventure. The ferry was kind of fun.
The Navy (I guess) has a flight path for their military jets that goes right over the ferry's route. This roaring machine came screaming down so close you could almost feel the exhaust. Quite impressive to hear the power of those jets up close.
While we were heading back to Coronado Island, we passed near a collection of sailboats out for a late day's leisure. I caught this glimmering impression during the 60 seconds or so that we passed by.
Tyler seemed satisfied with his seafaring afternoon.
This shot doesn't do the view justice. The shoreline was like a glittering collection of diamonds.

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