Brian and Carla's Wedding
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Brian and Carla's Wedding

Here's the Little White Chapel on Las Vegas Boulevard that Carla and Brian were married in.
The giddy couple just a while before the ceremony began. Do they look nervous? (Nah..)
Couldn't get everyone in on one shot, so here's the left side of the crowd (groom and bride sitting in front is Jonathon and Jaime -- Carla's sister; Brian and Carla are standing behind them)...
...and the right side of the crowd.
Now for the ride in the limo to where we all shared dinner...
...but first a quick kiss!
Here's Jaime and Jonathon...
...and their kiss!
Later, at dinner when we had all changed into something more comfortable, Elena got a chance to hold Kali, our granddaughter. Kali doesn't look as comfortable as Elena does... 
...but here little Kali's disposition improved quite a bit. Back in the arms of Dad and Mom!

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